Medical Necessity

To get insurance coverage for Heavy Duty Power Wheelchairs, your insurance provider must determine you have a "medical necessity" for the equipment. This means you must have a condition that requires the equipment to prevent, diagnose, or treat and illness or injury; such as, you are unable to accomplish daily living activities in a safe and timely manner in your home without the aid of a Heavy Duty Power Wheelchair. This includes ruling out ambulating unassisted, using a cane or walker, have insufficient upper body strength to self-propel in a Manual Wheelchair, and that you are unable to maintain postural stability in a power scooter/operate a tiller for scooter. In adittion, patient's are unable to properly weight shift due to a neruological condition, myopathy, or congenital skeletal deformity and requries a multi-power chair base to accomplish daily living activities that otherwise would not be possible in a Group 2 powerchair.

Custom Rehab Power Wheelchair

Custom Rehab Powerchairs are for users who experience mobility limitations due to a neurological condition, myopathy, or congenital skeletal deformity. We offer options for patient's of all needs, and we carry custom powerchairs from Quantum Rehab, Sunrise Medical, and Permobil.

Connect with us for more information
Whether you have questions about insurance or equipment, or simply need some guidance, we're here to help you.

A Simple And Reliable Way Towards Independence