The Go-Go 24 volt 2.0 amp XLR connector mobility scooter and power chair battery charger is from Pride Mobility OEM. It is suitable for use on sealed lead acid (SLA) batteries of size 7 Ah or larger. Typical applications include electric scooters, mobility scooters, and power chairs equipped with an offboard charging female XLR socket.
PLEASE NOTE: The Low Voltage Protection feature on this battery charger will not allow the charger to activate unless it is connected to a battery pack that has a minimum voltage of 16 volts. Battery packs with voltages below that level of charge cannot be recovered or recharged. This is a safety feature to prevent overheating in the event of a faulty battery. This battery charger will not output any voltage to the XLR connector until connected to a battery pack meeting this minimum voltage requirement.
• Short Circuit Protection - Prevents damage caused when operating in a short circuit condition for an indefinite period of time. The charger is "self-recovering" when the fault condition is removed.
• Reverse Polarity Protection - Prevents damage when positive and negative polarities are connected in reverse.
User Weight | Less Than 250 Lbs. |
Pride Go-Go 24 Volt 2.0 Amp Mobility Scooter Offboard Battery Charger
The Go-Go 24 volt 2.0 amp XLR connector mobility scooter and power chair battery charger is from Pride Mobility OEM. It is suitable for use on sealed lead acid (SLA) batteries of size 7 Ah or larger.
• Fully Automatic Operation - Safely charges and maintains a full charge. the final stage of charging is the float mode and the battery may remain connected indefinitely. In this mode, the charger maintains fully charged condition.
• Low Voltage Protection - When the battery voltage is below a preset value, the charger will not start charging.
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